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Consultation Visit
Our on-site consultation program is designed to identify potential hazards and recognize existing precautionary measures your company is already taking to keep your workplace safe. Here we describe the different stages of our on-site process.
Once we receive your request, the request is assigned to a consultant who contacts you to set up an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.
Opening Conference
When the consultant arrives at your work site for the scheduled visit, he or she will first meet with you in an opening conference to briefly review the consultant's role and the commitment on your part.
Records and Program Reviews
The consultant looks at the following and makes recommendations to ensure compliance with OSHA standards and to enhance your safety and health efforts.
- OSHA record keeping logs, first aid logs and accident reports.
- Hazard specific programs such as hazard communication, bloodborne pathogens, energy control or electrical safety related work practices program, emergency action and fire prevention plan, confined space program, hearing conservation program, respiratory protection program.
On-Site Survey
Together, you and the consultant will examine conditions in your workplace. The scope of the survey is determined by the employer. We strongly encourage maximum employee participation in the walk-through. Better-informed and alert employees can more easily work with you to identify and correct potential injury and illness hazards in your workplace. Talking with employees during the walk-through also helps the consultant to identify and judge the nature and extent of specific hazards.
The consultant will study your entire workplace or the specific operations you designate and discuss the applicable OSHA standards. They will also point out other safety and health hazards that might not be cited under the OSHA standards but nevertheless may pose serious safety or health risks to your employees. They may suggest and even provide other measures such as self-inspection and safety and health training you and your employees can use to prevent future hazardous conditions.
The comprehensive consultation also includes:
- Assessment of all occupational health exposures, hazards and hazardous work practices (i.e. dust, noise, mist and fumes)
- Assessment of all mechanical hazards and hazardous work practices
- Assessment of the present job safety and health program.
Closing Conference
After the survey the consultant will review detailed findings with you in a closing conference. You will learn not only what you need to improve, but also what you are doing right. At that time you can discuss problems, possible solutions and correction periods to eliminate or control any serious hazards identified during the walk-through, as well as request assistance with specific programs or planned operations. The consultant will offer general approaches in controlling identified hazards and options available to you. They can also suggest other sources for technical help.
Correction and Follow-Up
Following the closing conference, the consultant will send a detailed written report explaining the findings and confirming correction periods agreed upon. Consultants may also contact you from time to time to check your progress. You, of course, may always contact them for assistance.
Ultimately, OSHA requires hazard correction of all hazards identified as "serious" so that each consultation visit achieves its objective, effective employee protection. If you refuse to eliminate or control identified hazards the situation must be referred from consultation to an OSHA enforcement office for appropriate action. The program will work with employers to provide for extensions when necessary to avoid compliance involvement.